Zanzibar Red Colobus Project
Behavioural ecology, physiology, and conservation of an endemic primate species (Bangor University, UK)

Many thanks to our supporters & funders:
Department of Forestry and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, Zanzibar (research permissions and logistical support in the field)
WCS - Tanzania Program (our 'industrial' partner and co-funder for Zoe Melvin's PhD project; logistical support in the field)
School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University (pilot research funds to Alexander Georgiev)
The Bangor Fund (grant to School of Natural Sciences for supporting undergraduate research with the ZRCP and Zoe Melvin's PhD research)
The Royal Society (grant to Alexander Georgiev)
NERC Envision Doctoral Training Partnership (PhD studentship to Zoe Melvin and Harry Olgun)
International Primatological Society (grant to Zoe Melvin)
Primate Conservation Inc. (grant to Zoe Melvin)
Primate Society of Great Britain (grant to Zoe Melvin)